Mr. Jarod DiGaetano » About Me

About Me

Hello there, 
My name is Jarod DiGaetano and I am one of the awesome 5th Grade teachers here at SFA. 
I grew up here in the city of Memphis and actually attended St. Francis until high school where I attended St. Benedict next door. I went on to earn my bachelors degree in Physical Education Teacher Eduction (PETE) at THE University of Memphis. This is my fourth year teaching with this being my second year at St. Francis. 
Here are some fun facts about me to get to know a little more about me:
  • Coach DiGaetano is actually my father and one of the main reason I got into teaching and became a teacher. 
  • I am a huge fan of the Memphis Tigers and Memphis Grizzlies. Chances are you can find me at homes games for football and basketball throughout the season for both teams. 
  • I grew up Catholic and have attended St. Francis Church since I was able to remember. 
  • In my free time I do many different things including playing sports, coaching basketball, competing in highly competitive board games with my friends and family.  
  • I enjoy watching movies and some of my favorite movies are: Miracle, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Field of Dreams 
  • I am slight sneaker-head and enjoy rocking my kicks to school everyday